How To Get Ripped Abs

It seems everybody wants to get ripped abs, but not everybody is sure on how to do it. Get the facts on doing it the right way! There is a lot of information out there how to do it, and some of it is confusing.

Do you do 500 crunches one day and 500 sit ups the next?

Theres a right way and a wrong way.

Here is one right way to get ripped abs.

This is called the Reverse Crunch. It goes something like this. Get on your back on the floor. Make sure you are comfortable – use a mat, or soft carpet or something like this. Now bring your hips and knees up, to about 90 degrees off the floor. By using your abs only, tuck your knees into your chest. As you do this, lift up your butt off the floor, but keep your knees at the same constant angle. Go back to your original position. Now do about 3 sets of 20, with a short break between sets to let your muscles recover.

What about diet? Should you have one of those protein shakes?

Well, one of the problems with those shakes is the high sugar content. If you wanted to get ripped abs, do you think you should be drinking sugary shakes? You’re right; you shouldn’t be. This may seem shocking, but the best diet to eat is healthy food. You know, like your mom used to make at dinner time. Some lean chicken, at least two sides of fresh vegetables and a couple of glasses of water or low fat milk. That’s it. That’s what your body needs.

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